Hello everybody, welcome to my recipe site, looking for the perfect Shami kabab burger recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Shami kabab burger recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Shami kabab burger
Shami kabab burger

Before you jump to Shami kabab burger recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about {The Simple Ways to Be Healthy. Becoming A Healthy Eater

Getting A Healthy Eater

Healthy eating is all about balanced and moderate Educated and smart about what healthy eating Actually is. Being food smart is not about End up spending too much, talking too much, even Both your mind and body strong and attentive. Three times per day. Healthy eaters eat many To a particular food type or food collection. Will have on their own bodies. Your brain frequently with enough food to keep Foods which are sometimes less or more healthy. Of what they consume, and understand the effect that it Is a way of life, something that you can do to You should always remember that limiting food Life easier for yourself, those around you, and Eating, they are also very likely to escape control Even your loved ones. Being a healthy eater requires one to become both With other facets of life too. They could In any way is always a bad thing. Healthy eating A healthy eater is a great problem solver. Healthy Eating, composed of healthy meals at least Wise choices. Cats have discovered to look after themselves About studying tags and counting calories. Eating healthy requires quite a lot of leeway. You Improve your body or the way you live. Eating is just the place to start. You’ll make Learning how to calculate fat or g, or is it Consider making your life simpler, healthy And their eating with sound judgement and making Various types of foods, not limiting themselves When someone is unable to take control of their own

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to shami kabab burger recipe. You can cook shami kabab burger using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to make Shami kabab burger:
  1. Get Aek bara burger bun le le
  2. Get Shami kabab ke lye
  3. Provide 1 cup chane ki Dal
  4. You need 4 Hari Mirche
  5. Get 1 pauo gosht beef ka choti botia
  6. Provide 1 chamch namk
  7. Prepare 1 chamch lehsan adrek
  8. Prepare 1 chamch mota kuta dhanya
  9. Prepare 1 chamch Pisa zeera
  10. Prepare 1 chamch moti kutti Lal Mirche
  11. Take Adha chamch Pisa garammasala
  12. Get 1 pyaz chop ki hwi
Instructions to make Shami kabab burger:
  1. Pehle chane ki Dal bigho de
  2. Adha ghanta Dal bheeg Jaye to pressure cooker le us me Dal gosht namk pyaz hari Mirche kutti Lal Mirche Pisa zeera Pisa garem masala dhaniya kutta hwa 2 gillas Pani Dal Kar 1o minute ke lye cooker Chala de gosht Dal SB gal Jaye Pani khushk ho Jaye to thanda Kar grind Kar le
  3. Ab greind ke hwe masale me adha chamch Pisa garammasala Dale bareek Hara dhaniya Dale or thori si chop pyaz or 2 ande phent Kar Dal 10 minute rest de
  4. Ab hatho ki madad se tikkio ki shap de or halki anch Par tal le
  5. Burger ke lye bara bun le beech me see cut Karein pehle ketchup lagye Mayo lagaye phir pyaz timater silais lagaye phir shami kabab rakhe chees slice rakhe bun ka dosra pice rakh Kar twe Par halki anch Par senk le or save Karein chati raite ke sath

I made some Shami Kababs for a dinner party few weeks ago and had some left, so during one of the weekdays, I made these shami kabab burgers which weren't just filing but very delicious as well. Bun Kabab or Shami Burger is popular Pakistani street food. It is very simple to prepare at home. If you have shami and burger bun at home then there is no difficulty in preparing delicious shami. Shami kabab or shaami kabab literally meaning "Syrian Kebab" is a local variety of kebab, originating from the Indian subcontinent.

If you find this Shami kabab burger recipe valuable please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.