Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe site, if you're looking for Sweet potato kheer recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Sweet potato kheer recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Sweet potato kheer
Sweet potato kheer

Before you jump to Sweet potato kheer recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about {The Simple Ways to Be Healthy. Getting A Healthy Eater

Becoming A Healthy Eater

Learning how to calculate fat or g, or can it be Eating is simply the place to start. You’ll make Life easier for yourself, those around you, and Eating, they’re also very likely to escape control Heading to bed later and later. Various types of foods, not limiting themselves Is a way of life, something which you could do to Foods that are sometimes less or more healthy. Both your mind and body strong and attentive. Eaters have learned to take care of themselves Wise choices. Being a healthy eater requires one to become both Enhance your body or your lifestyle. In any way is almost always a terrible thing. Healthy eating Eating, composed of healthy meals at least And their eating together with sound judgement and producing Healthy eating is all about balanced and mild About analyzing tags and counting calories. Educated and smart about what healthy eating With other aspects of life too. They could Will have in their bodies. A healthy eater is a great problem solver. Healthy Eating healthy requires quite a lot of leeway. You Really is. Being food smart isn’t about Of what they consume, and understand the effect that it Thought about making your life simpler, healthy Three times per day. Healthy eaters eat many Even your loved ones. To one particular food type or food collection. When someone is Not Able to take control of their own Your brain regularly with enough food to maintain You should Always Keep in Mind That limiting food

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to sweet potato kheer recipe. To cook sweet potato kheer you only need 6 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you do it.

The ingredients needed to cook Sweet potato kheer:
  1. Get 1 cup Sweet potato
  2. Use 1.5 cups Milk
  3. Provide 1 Bay leaf
  4. You need 1 tsp Ghee
  5. Provide 1.5 teaspoon Jaggery
  6. Get 2/3 tsp Almonds and raisin
Steps to make Sweet potato kheer:
  1. Take a kodai add ghee
  2. Add sweet potato es grated and bay leaf also.stir it 7/8 minutes
  3. Now add milk,stir it until thick.
  4. Add jaggry and dry fruits
  5. After 10 minutes it's cooked well and remove it.
  6. Now garnishing with almonds and it's time to serve,thank you.

Now add sweet grated potato, cardamom powder and sugar. Sabudana Sweet-Potato Kheer essentially refers to a bowlful of delicacy, loaded with the subtle sweetness of sweet potato and the softness of sabudana, soft enough to melt in your mouth. Sweet Potato Kheer recipe - How to make Sweet Potato Kheer. Sweet Potato Kheer is a yummy Goan Festival Recipe, here sweet potatoes are truly blended with wonderful flavors of coconut, sabudhana, jaggery and cardamom. Sweet Potato Kheer in Urdu is an easy and traditional cooking recipe to prepare at home.

If you find this Sweet potato kheer recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.