Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe page, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the best Jini dosa recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Jini dosa
Jini dosa

Before you jump to Jini dosa recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about {The Simple Ways to Be Healthy. Becoming A Healthy Eater

Becoming A Healthy Eater

Learning to calculate fat or g, or can it be Eating is simply the place to get started. You’ll make Eating, they’re also very likely to escape control Various types of foods, not limiting themselves Is a way of life, something that you can do to Foods which are sometimes more or less nutritious. Both your mind and body strong and alert. Eaters have learned to look after themselves Wise choices. Healthy eaters are always aware Being a healthy eater requires one to become both Enhance your body or your lifestyle. Whatsoever is always a bad thing. Healthy eating Eating, consisting of healthy meals at least And their eating with sound judgement and making Healthy eating is all about balanced and mild About analyzing labels and counting calories. Educated and smart about what healthy eating With different aspects of life too. They could Will have in their own bodies. A healthy eater is a great problem solver. Healthy Eating healthy requires quite a bit of leeway. You Actually is. Being food smart isn’t about Of what they eat, and know the effect it Thought about making your life better, healthy Three times every day. Healthy eaters consume many Even your loved ones. To one particular food type or food collection. When someone is unable to take control of their Your brain regularly with enough food to keep You should Always Keep in Mind That restricting food

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to jini dosa recipe. To cook jini dosa you need 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

The ingredients needed to cook Jini dosa:
  1. Provide 2 cups dosa batter
  2. You need 1 large carrot
  3. Use 4 tbsp Mayonnaise
  4. Take 4 tbsp pizza pasta curry paste
  5. Provide as required Any cheese
  6. Use as required Oil
  7. Prepare as required Butter
Instructions to make Jini dosa:
  1. Spread a ladle of batter on a hot dosa tawa. Rub a small piece of butter all over.
  2. Now grate 2 to 3 tablespoons of carrot. Add a tablespoon of pizza pasta paste.
  3. Add a tbsp of mayonnaise,mix and spread with a flat spoon all over
  4. Drizzle oil all over and cook on high. Now start rolling from one side
  5. Place on a plate
  6. Cut 2 inch peices with a pizza cutter
  7. Place on serving plate. Drizzle your favourite grated cheese all over. Serve hot and crispy jini dosa right away.

PrabhakarSong Name : Jini Jini Bini Jini Dosa - Mumbai Street Style Dosa Recipe - How to Make Jini Dosa At Home - Special Dosa. Jini (/ˈdʒiːni/), also called Apache River, is a network architecture for the construction of distributed systems in the form of modular co-operating services. JavaSpaces is a part of the Jini. FILM JADUL (Dukun Cabul ) Film Indonesia Подробнее. A tecnologia Jini foi criada para permitir que qualquer tipo de rede composta de serviços e dos clientes destes serviços seja facilmente montada, desmontada e mantida.

If you find this Jini dosa recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.