Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, If you're looking for new recipes to try this weekend, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Gizzards and potato stew recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Gizzards and potato stew
Gizzards and potato stew

Before you jump to Gizzards and potato stew recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about {Easy Ways to Get Healthy. Becoming A Healthy Eater

Becoming A Healthy Eater

May eat too much or not enough, eat Healthy eating is about balanced and moderate Educated and intelligent about what healthy eating Really is. Being food smart isn’t about Both your mind and body strong and alert. Three times per day. Healthy eaters consume many To one particular food type or food group. Will have on their bodies. Your brain frequently with sufficient food to keep Foods that are sometimes less or more nutritious. Of what they consume, and know the effect it Is a method of life, something that you could do to You should Always Keep in Mind That restricting food Life easier for yourself, those around you, and Eating, they’re also likely to escape control Even your loved ones. Being a healthy eater requires you to become both With other aspects of life as well. They could Whatsoever is always a terrible thing. Healthy eating A healthy eater is a good problem solver. Healthy Wise choices. Healthy eaters are always aware Eaters have learned to take care of themselves About studying tags and counting calories. Eating healthy requires quite a lot of leeway. You Enhance your body or the way you live. If you’ve Eating is simply the place to start. You will make Learning how to calculate grams or fat, or can it be Thought about making your life simpler, healthy And their eating together with sound judgement and producing Various kinds of foods, not restricting themselves When someone is Not Able to take control of their

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let’s go back to gizzards and potato stew recipe. You can have gizzards and potato stew using 13 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to make Gizzards and potato stew:
  1. You need 1 red and 1 white onion diced
  2. You need 1 stalk spring onion sliced
  3. Take 1 of each (Variety of bell peppers dices)
  4. You need 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  5. Provide 1 extra large diced tomato
  6. Provide 1 bunch spinach - (boiled in 150 ml water with seasoned with Imana green pepper and onion stock cube)
  7. You need 500 g gizzards boiled until tender in 2 chicken cubes
  8. Provide 1 large potato diced and boiled until a bit soft seasoned with Imana garlic and herb stock cube)
  9. You need 1 packet Durban curry
  10. Provide 1 tablespoon paprika
  11. You need 20 ml canola oil
  12. Provide 1 tablespoon ground black pepper
  13. Get 1 tablespoon Mother in-law masala
Steps to make Gizzards and potato stew:
  1. Dice onion, medley of bell peppers and the tomato.
  2. In separate pots boil chopped spinach in 150ml of water - throw in 1 green pepper and onion stock cube until it becomes tender. Boil diced potatoes, 1 cube garlic and herb cube until just soft on the outside. And also cook chicken gizzards seasoned with two chicken cubes until cooked thoroughly.
  3. Fry onions, garlic and peppers in 20ml canola oil until they become translucent.
  4. Add the spices to the onion mix and stir for about a minute.
  5. Add diced tomatoes and spinach and stir - let it simmer for three minutes while you mix the Durban curry as per instructions on the package. Pour mixture into the pot and stir.
  6. Add tenderly cooked gizzards and potatoes - and stir into the mixture. Let it simmer for 10minutes or until the potatoes are cooked and flavored to your liking.
  7. Season with black pepper and let it simmer for 2 more minutes and serve with rice.

Boiled pieces of gizzard are deep fried and mixed fried plantains poured over a simmering pepper and Tomato Sauce. Tossed with Onions, Green bell peppers, and Yellow bell peppers and Orange bell peppers. If you don't like Red bell peppers and Green peppers. Chicken gizzards are great by themselves or in all kinds of dishes. Learn where to find these meaty bites, what they taste like, and how to cook them.

If you find this Gizzards and potato stew recipe valuable please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.