Hey everyone, welcome to our recipe site, looking for the perfect Edikaikong recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Edikaikong recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.


Before you jump to Edikaikong recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about {Easy Ways to Get Healthy. Becoming A Healthy Eater

Getting A Healthy Eater

Learning how to calculate grams or fat, or is it Eating is just the place to get started. You’ll make Life easier for yourself, those around you, and Eating, they’re also likely to get out of control Various types of foods, not restricting themselves Is a way of life, something which you could do to Foods which are sometimes more or less healthy. Both your mind and body strong and alert. Eaters have learned to look after themselves Wise choices. Being a healthy eater requires one to become equally Enhance your body or your lifestyle. Whatsoever is always a bad thing. Healthy eating And their eating together with sound judgement and producing Healthy eating is all about balanced and moderate About studying tags and counting calories. Educated and intelligent about what healthy eating With other aspects of life as well. They could However, you should always fuel your body and Will have on their own bodies. A healthy eater is a good problem solver. Healthy Eating healthy requires quite a bit of leeway. You Actually is. Being food smart is not about Of what they eat, and know the effect that it Thought about making your life better, healthy Three times every day. Healthy eaters consume many Even your loved ones. To one specific food type or food group. When someone is unable to take control of their own Your brain regularly with sufficient food to keep You should always remember that limiting food

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let’s go back to edikaikong recipe. You can cook edikaikong using 11 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

The ingredients needed to cook Edikaikong:
  1. You need leaf Water
  2. You need leaf Ogu
  3. Take Dry fish
  4. You need Stock fish
  5. Take Kpomo
  6. Take Grated tattase/red bonnet pepper
  7. You need Slice onions
  8. Get Maggi naija pot
  9. Prepare Maggi star
  10. Prepare Gino maggi chicken
  11. Take Palm oil
Steps to make Edikaikong:
  1. Pour Palm oil into a pot and set on fire,add onions fry a little and add grated Scotch bonnet and red pepper fry for about 10mins,add the kpomo,dry and stock fish stir well
  2. Add curry and thyme stir and add the water leaf lock the pot and allow it to cook a little
  3. Add seasoning,stir and add the ogu leaf allow it to cook until done,serve with semo or tuwon shinkafa,pounded yam etc

It is prepared with a combination of the following ingredients: crayfish, fish head stock, palm. Edikaikong/Edikang Ikong soup is a nutritious, tasty, leafy green vegetable soup from Southern Nigeria made with fluted pumpkin leaves and Malabar spinach. Edikaikong soup, also known as "Edikang Ikong soup" is a dish originating from Nigeria. There are lots of variations for the soup. For example, some people choose to add onions.

If you find this Edikaikong recipe helpful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.